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The Goblin Slayer Rap

►Download and Streaming coming soon so follow us on social media to stay updated! ►Subscribe for more epic raps: youtube.com/nonelikejoshua ►Check out The Enigma TNG YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/theenigmatng BANDCAMP: theenigmatng.bandcamp.com/ FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/TheEnigmaTNG INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/theenigmatng/ TWITTER: twitter.com/theenigmatng1 SPOTIFY: open.spotify.com/artist/0KhNfXO8YvC5PAztqARMYb ►Album Art by Heine Sætrevik: twitter.com/HeineGraphX ►Check out my metal band Smash Hit Combo: www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8sV9ziiK-Q ►Thank you to […]