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– I sit and wait and meditate upon the words I hear
The wind is near – in the clear forest where I disappear
– I close my eyes and vocalize my open mind evoking time
– Going through the lines that I memorized

– I envision the image of a different living, inner being
A lack of individual but metaphysical interweaving
Beneath the figure with features we see, and not the reasoning
Between the spirit and what you are reaching

– – but then a sudden interruption from a rustle in the shrubbery
I’m wondering it’s just another wild beast or enemy, but then the noise
Encompasses with stepping from an adversary – It’s time to breathe.

Blinded by vendetta thoughts I
Try to fight the phantom off.
The answer’s not revenge at all.
– a mass assault

Kept beneath the frozen water
Ghosts are haunting what I sought for
Weeks — some peace of mind – but my
Heart divides.

As the warrior commits
in life to find a moral compass
But the faces never change
Telling me I will betray what

I have worked to
Build upon
The villain’s done until I run
Away from what I was — into
What I’ve become.

– I sit and wait and persevere without an interference
Holding on to what I thought was beaten defeated and I am
keeping it deeper within the evil of demons –
I am breathing as the fiendish weakness seems to be leaving
when the
past, present, future tense a sense of irrelevance; the extent of
never rendering a self in advance with a plan

Show restraint and control because I
Know he’s moving forward
Waiting there in the corner of my

But I don’t want him to die
Placing the chains and the reigns since
he must stay alive
Not in vein —
but to train my mind
to see beyond facades
when I’m ready to fight

Blinded by vendetta thoughts I
Try to fight the phantom off.
The answer’s not revenge at all.
– a mass assault

Kept beneath the frozen water
Ghosts are haunting what I sought for
Weeks — some peace of mind – but my
Heart divides.

As the warrior commits
in life to find a moral compass
But the faces never change
Telling me I will betray what

I have worked to
Build upon
The villain’s done until I run
Away from what I was — into
What I’ve become.